In co-operation with our partners, we can organise Karst gourmet happenings according to your desires. You can choose from among catering in the gmajna grassland, dinners (lunches) in a home garden, traditional Karst cuisine and Karst slow-food restaurants.

A patchwork of diversity, a reflection of nature

The Karst cuisine entails, like its cultural landscape, a medley of Mediterranean, Germanic, Roman and Slavic influences. It excels for its dedication to local, home-produced ingredients. It reflects all four seasons of the year since its pulse follows the rhythm of nature.

The Karst – a highly-valued gourmet destination for many years

Over the years, its two key qualities – following the seasons of the year and exquisite home-made food – have turned it into a highly-valued and desired gourmet destination. Not only the noble families from the Italian town of Trieste but also holidaymakers from other countries used to come here to enjoy a culinary treat.


Contemporary Karst cuisine has added a pinch of creativity to the basic traditional elements. This has enriched the Karst culinary offer of today so you are warmly recommended to never leave the Karst on an empty stomach. Contact us and we’ll be pleased to organise a memorable Karst culinary experience for you.


We live here, know Karst very well and we are enthusiastic gourmets. Contact us with your wishes and we will be happy to organize an excellent Karst culinary pampering.

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